E-resident status

We will make all your plans come true!

E-resident status

We will make all your plans come true!

Service description

Main information



The term

The decision to grant e-resident status shall be taken without delay.


Consultations are held remotely or live in Vilnius.

What do you need to know
  • The status of an electronic resident provides an opportunity for foreign citizens to remotely use administrative, public or commercial electronic services provided in the Republic of Lithuania, such as:

    1. access to the Electronic Government Gateway;
    2. access to the Lithuanian Migration Information System (MIGRIS) through the Electronic Government Gateway;
    3. sign documents with e-signature.
Criteria for granting electronic resident status:
  1. The applicant must be at least 18 years old;
  2. Request for e-resident status is submitted through the chosen external service provider (embassy, visa center). Foreigner, legally located in Republic of Lithuania – should submit documents in person to the Migration Department;
  3. Within 4 months from the filling of the application, the alien must personally come to the selected external service provider (embassy, visa center) and foreigner, legally located in Republic of Lithuania, to the Migration Department and submit the necessary documents.
Documents to be provided to the external service provider or the Migration Department:
  • Valid travel document;
  • A document granting the right to be or remain in the Republic of Lithuania when an application for a visa-free regime is submitted by the foreigner in the Republic of Lithuania;
  • Biometric identifiers (facial image and two fingerprints).
  • 79 + application fee 90€ (If the application is submitted through an external service provider – an additional service fee can be applied).r išorės paslaugų teikėją, gali būti mokamas aptarnavimo mokestis).
  • Following a positive decision on granting electronic resident status, the status is granted for 3 years.

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